Dr. Tony Kim, a cosmetic dentist at Island Dental Group, talks with Gary about why dentists in Hawaii do things differently, why more dental educators and vendors should start booking flights to Honolulu, and where to find the best dental care on the islands.
Dr. Jeffrey Lynch, co-founder of Esteem Dental Implants, shares how he does 10 arches a month while working inside Heartland Dental, how he strikes a balance between referral and marketing patients, and why more dentists should read the book Leadership and Self-Deception.
Marcus Hines, founder of Marketing Implant Consulting, shares the 3 keys to generating full-arch growth, plus why dentists need to learn to present treatment, not just do it and whether you should lead with value or price.
Dr. Sean Mohtashami, founder of 4MInstitute for Dentists, joins the show to talk about why 40 million Americans need full-arch treatment, the biggest hangups blocking dentists from succeeding in the space, and whether young practice owners are better off focusing on full-arch or GP.
Dr. Brian Evans, an oral surgeon at SD Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery, talks with Gary about why dentists new to full arch should find a clinical mentor, why competing for the lowest price isn’t usually a good idea, and whether dental tourism is ever worth the risk.
Stacy Feffer-Farley, co-founder of Full Arch Sales Academy, returns to the show to share the biggest mistakes dentists make when presenting treatment, why sales doesn’t have to be a dirty word, and how to overcome the top patient objections to full arch.

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